For all your Tree Services and Property Maintenance needs.

Palm Removals and Cleans

Transform Tree Care is your go-to tree specialist for all palm tree cleans and removals.

Our palm cleans include the full treatment of descaling, removal of old fronds/fruits, deseeding and shaping.

If you are wanting a palm tree completely removed we can safely do this using our specialised climbing equipment. This includes tight access and small spaces.

What is a Palm Tree Clean?

Palm Tree Cleaning is a specialised procedure that should be done every year. 


It involves pruning dead fronds/ leaves, shaving the trunk, cutting visible fruit stalks, and removing seed pods to keep the tree healthy, smooth and attractive.


Cleaning a Palm will:


  • Improve the tree’s aesthetic and help it grow: cleaning your palm tree is an excellent way of stimulating its growth and maintaining a clean look and feel. 
  • To prevent tree damage: cleaning your palm tree prevents tree damage which can occur when the pressure of the accumulated weight of un-pruned dead palm fronds causes the tree to snap and break.
  • Eliminating fire hazards: unshaved dry hairs on your palm tree stem and dry, brittle fronds hanging from your palm are potential fire hazards that may ignite during a heatwave or encourage the spread of wildfire.
  • Reduces your liability: cleaning your palm tree protects you from potential liability arising from injuries and damage caused by dead palm fronds and coconuts falling on people, vehicles, and properties.
Palm Trees Before

Palm Tree Before Clean

Palm Trees After

Palm Tree After Clean

Interested in Other Tree Services?

Transform Tree Care is owned and operated by a Cert III Climbing Arborist. This means tree climbing is our bread and butter and we can expertly navigate our way up and down any tree. 

For pruning we work to achieve the desire outcome of customers, whilst working to industry standards and ensuring safety and tree health for future growth. 

Led by a qualified and experienced Arborist, our team has the equipment and skills to safely remove your tree limb by limb and take the tree away to leave your space fresh and clear.

No matter the size of stump, Transform Tree Care can help you. With our specialised equipment, we can reach your stumps via tight spaces, and narrow access. 

Our specialised hedging equipment allows us to shape your hedges for your specific needs. We can help with future growth, pleasing aesthetics, privacy or other. 

Our palm cleans include the full treatment of descaling, removal of old fronds/fruits, deseeding and shaping. If you are after a removal we can safely remove any palm in any location.