For all your Tree Services and Property Maintenance needs.

Why Choose an Arborist?

The Arboricultural industry is unfortunately unregulated. This means customers are not required to hire a qualified Arborist to undertake tree climbing, lopping and/or tree removals. So why should you use an Arborist? 

Tree climbing and tree removals as well as all other ground work and tree services is extremely dangerous work. If not completed correctly, tree services can endanger the climber, ground staff, nearby structures, bystanders and the environment.

By using an Arborist, you are guaranteed that the services you need will be performed by someone who is trained and experienced. Arborists also have extensive tree knowledge and safety procedures in place to protect the climber, the ground crew and nearby residents. 

The Difference Between an Arborist and a Tree Lopper

The key difference between a tree lopper and an arborist comes down to training and experience. Arborists are tree experts who have been trained to follow Australian standards of tree pruning and care to ensure the best results for the tree, the ecosystem and the safety of nearby residents. It’s important to engage a professional Arborist for all tree work as tree care requires an understanding of risk assessment, health and safety as well as horticultural expertise. These are skills taught and developed by trained arborists.

Although an Arborist may be slightly more expensive, the difference in having an Arborist complete tree work verse a Tree Lopper can make a huge difference to the health of the tree, the quality of the work and the safety of your community.

Transform Tree Care is proud to be led by an experienced and qualified Cert III Arborist.

We are lobbying for the industry to become regulated to ensure tree health, quality and safety is always met. 

To find out about our tree services CLICK HERE

Transform Tree Care_Why Use An Arborist